Devin Evans

I had the pleasure of taking one of Dr. Bailey’s classes during my time as an undergraduate student at Michigan State University. The class was titled “American Intellectual History to 1860”, and I was intimidated at first due to him assigning readings that I have never heard of. Bailey assigned the class readings from historical figures such as Theodore Dwight Weld, who was one of the architects of the the abolitionists movement, speeches from Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the various drafts of the Gettysburg Address, and Rousseay’s “Social Contract”. Each of the readings he assigned the class, we never finished discussing because we would spend the entire class period discussing the first sentence or paragraph of an historical document. I have never been that intellectually stimulated over a sentence or paragraph, but that was Bailey’s style of teaching, and it worked.

I remember him coming to class and having no notes or PowerPoint slides. This was very different from any professor I had encountered at Michigan State. He magically facilitated discussion and pushed me to always think deeper. One particular point in the class, we had a discussion on Abraham Lincoln, and this is where I developed a fond interest in the “Great Emancipator”. Bailey challenged me think about Lincoln’s upbringing, what he said in his speeches and writings, and how that correlated to his actions. This pushing led me to conduct my Ronald E. McNair Scholars program research on Abraham Lincoln and The Reconstruction Era. At the time I didn’t realize how Bailey’s pushing led me to delve into serious scholarly research on one of the most enigmatic President’s in U.S. History.

I am now a teacher of History and English at the high school level, and the teachings that Bailey gave me, I now give to my students and it is in that way his spirit and legacy will carry on for generations. My pedagogy as a teacher and my views as a human being have been forever changed due to Dr. Bailey, and I’m forever grateful for his contributions to myself and Michigan State University. Rest peacefully, Dr. Bailey.

Jim Porter

I came to know David as a singularly skilled teacher and mentor with a fathomless knowledge of history. He was also a remarkably imaginative and divergent thinker who also always managed to bring his ideas to a re-convergence, but only after they had meandered far afield and gathered lots of pollen. Examples abound. Here are some things I remember.

He wrote a novel I had the pleasure of reading–The Shiva Battery–that premised the invention of a battery cell that never lost its charge: a sort of 21st century reincarnation of a 17th century perpetual motion machine. The mysterious inventor of the battery lived somewhere in remote, mountainous northern India and his altogether too terse press release explaining how the battery worked—indeed it did work!–involved a cryptic interplay of Hindu cosmology and particle physics. It was a fascinating book. It took the reader from behind closed doors at Fox newsroom headquarters—they weren’t at all happy about what this meant for BP and Exxon Mobil—to the cities and hinterlands of the Indian subcontinent, where the protagonist–an intrepid US journalist–quested in hope of interviewing the reclusive inventor and shedding more light on the inner-workings of this remarkable new technology. As you can see, it’s a story that goes in all manner of directions, and all over the globe in the process. And doesn’t it sound fascinating? That was David.

I had the great fortune to TA for a course he taught in Integrative Social Sciences. This was a history of social science in the 20th century US that also combined–improbably but incredibly effectively–a history of contemporary social movements and a history of American music. If there was anyone equipped to teach such a course, it was David. I learned a tremendous amount about history and music from this class, and so did the undergrads. The students adored him.

I remember one lecture, David was set on showing that music, like anything else, has a history. It might sound like it had descended from the Spheres, but in fact its whole relational system of tones and tempos is built. People made it. There was a piano in the lecture hall. David played a major scale, and explained there was a long and gradual process of consensus that led to the acceptance of the intervals that we now know as this timeless scale. Then he played—to himself, noodling around–the major scale of chords. This became an impromptu version of Bill Withers’ “Lean on Me” (which is built on this scale of chords). The students loved it—lots started clapping on the beat, a few started singing.

There was another lecture he gave on George Lakoff’s ‘cognitive framing’ and the power of negative presences (i.e. “don’t think of an elephant!”). He stressed how this feature of thought and language could work as a powerful rhetorical tool in the hands of politicians and policy makers. ‘How can you not think of an elephant, once I’ve told you not to?’ David said to the class. We all tried very hard not to. This then led him to muse extemporaneously on elephants themselves—their remarkable memory, their gentleness, their peregrinations, their lovably ambling disheveled-ness as they made their way together, wherever they were going. When I think of David now, I do not think of an elephant.

David pointed me in all sorts of different directions that ended up being invaluable to my research. But these were directions I simply could not have known would be useful at the outset. This is the hindsight of history. Yet, it was a hindsight that David–over his long experience studying history–had cultivated as a kind of foresight. He knew I’d have to meander. I’d stop by his office, lost in the leaves of my project, and in a rush to get out of the thicket. He’d slow me down. ‘Sit down, sit down,’ he’d say. And I’d plop into the arm chair he kept for visitors in the corner—it was very hard to get out of once you were in it—and I’d recount what little trails I had come across recently in my reading and I’d ask him where he thought they led.

Ryan Huey

My remembrance begins at the Michigan State University Department of History’s recruitment event for potential graduate students in 2012, at which I was a prospective student. When I met Dr. Bailey, it was the first face-to-face meeting I had with an MSU professor.

We introduced ourselves and I nervously dove into explaining what I thought I wanted to study: music history. After listening intently for a bit, Dr. Bailey gently redirected my ramblings with the question,
“How catholic is your taste in music?” he asked with a genuine inquisitiveness.
I repeated the question aloud, giving myself much needed time to remember that ‘catholic’ did not mean ‘religious’ when used in this context, before responding,
“Well I like rock, blues, and hip hop…and funk.”
“You know, funk music is pure sex,” Dr. Bailey interjected.
Confused at first, I sat back and listened intently to Dr. Bailey embark on a fascinating mini-lecture about the politics of the body of Funkadelic. We talked for another twenty minutes about music and the meeting ended with me feeling fully confident I chose the right field of study.

That conversation in Dr. Bailey’s yellowing, dusty, cramped-with-books office at Morrill Hall helped convince me to attend MSU. His vast intellect, kindness, and affinity for all things esoteric were special. As was his deep love of learning, which was very obvious to anyone who interacted with him.
Near the end of the meeting, I told him I did not have funding to attend MSU and I wondered if it was a bad idea to use student loans. His response was “eh” while shaking his head and gesturing his hand dismissively, indicating his belief that no amount of money could match the value of a good education. I joined MSU’s Department of History a few months later.

I had the good fortune to serve as Dr. Bailey’s teaching assistant last summer for his online class, History of Sport in America. I was amazed when he began the class with a discussion on black jockeys racing horses professionally while enslaved in the Antebellum South. I was completely unfamiliar with this topic and slightly puzzled as to why Dr. Bailey seemed so enthused about horse racing. But when I graded the students’ response papers on the topic, I realized that his brief lecture on horse racing helped students grasp the complexities of slavery in ways that many teachers can only dream of. Few approached teaching the way Dr. Bailey did. He had a way of speaking to students about extremely complicated ideas in ways they could understand without a hint of condescension. His example as not just a teacher and scholar, but as a person, reminds me to always seek out new knowledge with curiosity and humility.

He will be greatly missed.

Amy Hay

My memories of Dr. Bailey come from taking classes with him, seeing him in meetings and job talks, and his generous participation in mock interviews and research presentations. It is striking to me that the same characteristics I associate with Dr. Bailey are elucidated by Ronen Steinberg upthread. He had a sense of adventure, mischief, a _joie de vivre_.

Dr. Bailey volunteered to be on the “search committee” the year the department offered mock interviews for those of going on the job market. He asked one of the best questions I ever got, mock and real interviews. What was my THIRD research project going to be? He wanted to make sure that I would not be a two-trick pony and that I would have ongoing intellectual contributions to make. He asked it much better (and with significantly more panache) than I have recounted here. My second best memory comes from a research presentation given to the department. I was nervously waiting at the head of the room while professors and students entered the room and found seats. I had slides (cusp of Powerpoint days, long before Prezi) with a projector set up on a precarious-looking tripod. Dr. Bailey tried to go under the tripod as I watched the tower begin to tilt. Disaster was averted as several people reached out and steadied the tripod and Dr. Bailey found his seat. Given that my presentation was on a human-made disaster (Love Canal), I’ve never been been sure if he wasn’t setting the scene for my talk with a small-scale disaster to warm up the audience. Whatever the reason, I was grateful for his support. I and many others benefited from his generous heart, his intellect, and his love of history and for MSU.

Shanti Zaid

It is with tremendous sadness that I receive the news of Dr. David Bailey’s passing and I send my deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. I knew Dr. Bailey as a MSU undergraduate student and what always struck me most about him was the variety and consistency of his care. He deeply and authentically cared about the world and its future, and provided unwavering support for students, as individuals as much as the next generation of critical thinkers and problem solvers. Dr. Bailey repeatedly invested extraordinary time and energy into my own academic development, and I have watched enough of his interaction with other students to know that I am only one among many who received such attention.

My closest experience with Dr. Bailey was in the process of applying for a Marshall Scholarship for graduate study in London. He first proposed that I apply and, despite my reluctance, convinced me that the opportunity was worthwhile and within reach. He spearheaded the organization of the extensive application, guiding me though writing essays, garnering letters of recommendation, and even scheduled a mock interview to help me prepare. Dr. Bailey advised with the experience of years aiding students in a similar vein, seeing much more in us and our future than we saw ourselves. Through his foresight and support, I received the scholarship and consequently experienced among my most profound years of scholarly and personal growth. It is with great sorrow that I say goodbye to Dr. Bailey but hope that his memory and example may continue to inspire.

James F. Perra

I didn’t realize what was happening at the time, but in his playful and quiet way Professor Bailey was one of a handful of instructors who nudged me to explore how my spiritual life, my feelings about social justice, and my education could all challenge and inform each other.

We went to the same church while I was at MSU, but I always attended a different service. One night we bumped into each other at an anti-war demonstration along Grand River avenue. He looked at me and said “You’re an Episcopalian right?” to which I nodded yes.

Prof. Bailey then began to loudly sing the Taize’ setting of “Dona Nobis Pacem” (roughly “God give us your peace”) and, knowing that we sung it a lot at All Saints he stared at me, singing and smiling, until I started to sing along. Before long there were a few dozen of us, probably representing a variety of beliefs about God, carrying our signs and singing together a prayer for peace.

I often meant to reach out to him and thank him for the part he has played in my life. I guess he knows now. Rest in peace sir, and may light perpetual shine upon you.

Benjamin Smith

Written on 7 November, just before David passed away.

Hi David, I have no idea what to write, I went for wine-fueled, over emotive stream of consciousness, like a shit William Burroughs’, who was already shit.

I am sorry that I cannot be there beside you. And I don¹t know how to sum up how much I love you in a few lines of an email. Since I arrived at MSU in 2005, you were like a father to me …. except much smarter and funnier. I remember hanging out for long hours with you at dive bars, chatting about history, religion, department gossip, Detroit politics, Mexican mother in laws and much more. I remember turning up in your ridiculously overburdened office to ask for a book or a thought or an insight on pretty much any topic in philosophy, religion, or world history (amazing the books didn’t get you like that heavy handed analogy in that EM Forster book). I should have dedicated my second book to you (although you deserve much much better!) because it was you that made me attempt to understand the warm comfort of religion and ritual – the heart in a heartless world.

I remember laughing uproariously over the the strange, selfish dynamics of department politics. I remember you were the person that actually made staff meetings worth turning up to, gently turning the room to your own will.

But most of all, I remember your kindness. I don’t think British people really recognize kindness as a virtue, especially those that go to weird public schools. Maybe Americans don’t either, but being Canadian I presume, you did. Looking back on my time at MSU, I realize that I could not have survived it (let alone enjoyed it) without you. During my first few years, you directed me through what was for me a mess of incomprehensible acronyms, new duties, and strange accents. When we became closer, you were always willing to listen to my petty worries and silly heartaches. You taught me to love teaching and love the students I taught. And when the real darkness came, you were always willing to offer your time, your advice, and your brilliant, somewhat askance, anecdotes. When my kids came along, you were always there with a bottle of wine and a ridiculously ornate cake or magnificent pie or ham. And, when your own kids came back, you always showed me how a real dad should behave. Finally, and this may seem odd coming from somebody with little to no dignity, but you taught me the value of dignity, an ability to remain true to yourself, your beliefs whatever was thrown at you. Like pornography, I now know it when I see it.

I can’t express how grateful I am to you. You were a mentor, a colleague, a friend, and a co-conspirator. You never came down to Mexico, but I always dream of pulling on a few Corona¹s in the zocalo while various Mexicans try to hug you and you looked embarrassed. I wish I was with you now if only to try and hug you and make you look equally embarrassed. For a good part of my life, you were second only to my wife and child, a wonderful, humane, kind, intelligent person that I am totally honored and grateful to have spent time with. I love you and am thinking of you.

Kelly Harro and Kyle Druding

My husband and I met while on a study abroad in Oxford, UK with Professor Bailey in 2009. When we heard he was sick, we wrote the email that follows. Unfortunately, Professor Bailey never got the chance to read it, a paramount reminder to both of us to express love and gratitude with urgency, before you lose the chance. We publish it here to honor and remember a man who changed both our lives and brightened the lives of students for decades.

Dear Professor Bailey,
This is Kelly Harro and Kyle Druding from your Study Abroad to Oxford (Summer 2009). We heard that you are sick and wanted to reach out to wish you well, and to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

We are incredibly fortunate to have been able to get to learn from you; your speech about the history of Michigan State athletics during the civil-rights era at the Honors College Colloquium was one of the most illuminating and engaging lectures that either of us has ever attended. Having spent some time now in the South during football season, your account of that time makes us extremely proud to be Spartans. In addition to your far-reaching historical insight and command of intellectual history, we consider ourselves profoundly lucky to have gotten to spend the time we did with you, professionally and on a personal level.

In so many ways our time in Oxford forever changed our lives. For me (Kelly) the one on one meetings and feedback I received from working with you researching the link between literature & the British Abolition movement refocused my goals and, ultimately, my academic trajectory. Upon returning to MSU that fall, I declared history as a second major and have even had the privilege of teaching British Literature for the past 4 years. Working with you changed my perspective on historical research and study, and expanded my understanding of what it meant to be a scholar.

An even more profound result of our time in Oxford, we are recently married, which may never have happened except for both of our planes arriving late so that we were the last two stragglers to get our access cards to the Bodleian. We began dating that summer, and celebrated our wedding (fittingly) in the Elizabethan Gardens on Roanoke Island in North Carolina almost exactly 6 years later. After leaving East Lansing we spent three years in Durham, NC, and are currently doing a one-year stint in Jacksonville, FL. Kelly has been teaching high-school English and is planning to enroll in a graduate program in Museum Studies next fall while Kyle just graduated from Duke Law School and is clerking for a judge on the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

Again, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family right now. You have made a great and lasting impact on both of our lives, in so many respects. You have undoubtedly touched the lives of anyone fortunate enough to have had you for a teacher. We are glad and grateful to be in that lucky few.

Thank you very much and all the best,
Kelly Harro and Kyle Druding

Reflections on David T. Bailey: Professor, Colleague, and Friend

By Pero G. Dagbovie

November 2015

I first met Dr. Bailey in the spring quarter of 1992 when I was an undergraduate student enrolled in his History 201 course. In this required seminar for history majors, Dr. Bailey decided to have us learn about the historian’s craft by reading the historical scholarship of Lawrence Levine—beginning with his classic Black Culture and Black Consciousness: Afro-American Folk Thought from Slavery to Freedom (1978) to his what seemed to me at that time ungraspable Highbrow/Lowbrow: The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America (1988). Dr. Bailey clearly admired this skilled historian who he worked with during his days as a PhD student at the University of California at Berkeley. I was simply happy to be fulfilling a requirement and to be reading at least one book about African American history in a non-black history centered course, something that I had not yet encountered. I would soon discover that Bailey was fascinated with African American history and culture and was well read in the field, especially the dynamic revisionist “community-and-culture” scholarship on slavery. This, I would later discover, was not surprising, given his research interests and relationship with the longtime renowned University of California at Berkeley slavery historian Kenneth M. Stampp. (It is also worth noting that Bailey’s last major publication was fittingly in the field of African American history, an illuminating essay on sociologist Horace Cayton in which he convincingly untangled this “forgotten” black intellectual’s mind and tragic life). Using Levine’s scholarship as a point of reference and case study for History 201, Bailey challenged us to grapple with what it meant to be historians and how historians could frame their historical arguments. He allowed us to write our final research paper on any historian, charging us with identifying his/her style, argumentative techniques, approach to the past, use of archival sources, and influence on his/her field. I did my paper on Walter Rodney and Bailey pushed me to analyze the intimate connections between politics and the writing of history. Bailey was among those professors who encouraged me to go to graduate school in the field of history, stressing to me that I could contribute to and diversify the U.S. historical profession. He conveyed to me that historians had the responsibility to help reform higher education. He made me feel that I could succeed. He made me feel that I was smart. His motivation was truly empowering. After this class, I knew that Dr. Bailey would continue to play an important role in my intellectual development.

As a MA student during the fall 1994 semester, I took History 803 (Seminar in Methodology of Historical Research) with Dr. Bailey. The class was intimidating, yet very stimulating, creatively designed, and rewarding. I remember that it was a large and diverse class (about fifteen students from various historical subspecialties and disciplines) and that we read books like the Lynd’s Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture (1929), Thomas S. Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), E. P. Thompson’s The Making of the English Working Class (1963), Foucault’s The Archeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language (1982), Carol F. Karlsen’s The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England (1987), Appleby, Hunt, and Jacob’s Telling the Truth About History (1994), and Winthrop D. Jordan’s Tumult and Silence at Second Creek: An Inquiry into a Civil War Slave Conspiracy (1993) among others. In addition to Kuhn’s opus, my favorite book assigned for the class was The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat: And Other Clinical Tales (1985) by Oliver Sacks. Before reading the book, I wondered why we were reading a collection of essays by a British neurologist in a history methods class. While reading the book, I better understood Bailey’s genius. Simply put, with this book, Bailey demonstrated the importance of psycho-history, the value of historicism, and the necessity of considering the human condition in history. In essence, he highlighted the truism that who people are can essentially be traced back to their early years, their past tragic experiences, and their mental and psychological conditions. He also required us to interview a member of the Department who we did not know. While he allowed us some leeway in formulating our own questions, he insisted that we all ask our interviewees one question underlying question: “What is history?” In a class period, we shared our findings with each other and Bailey proved his point. There was/is no one interpretation of history, the study of the past, and/or the historian’s craft. For the final paper, he surprised us all. He required us to research some component of the Indian Rebellion of 1857, a topic that no one in the class had any knowledge of. In fact, Bailey himself confessed that he himself knew very little about this important event in world history. (He was a voracious reader and was unafraid to read widely outside of his field). Before the class, he had identified a collection of primary documents on this event in the MSU library that he urged us to explore. With his blessings, I did my paper on Indian authored histories of the rebellion. I learned a lot about how history was constructed by historians and how certain interpretations had been marginalized.

During my graduate career, I took several other classes taught by Bailey, such as his History 811 seminar on 19th century U.S. history that focused on reform movements. We read many “old school” classics like David Brion Davis’ The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture (1966) and The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1770-1823 (1975), Bernard Bailyn’s The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution (1967), Winthrop D. Jordan’s White Over Black: American Attitudes toward the Negro, 1550-1812 (1968), Eugene Genovese’s Roll Jordan Roll: The World the Slaves Made (1972), and Ronald G. Walters’ American Reformers, 1815-1860 (1978). Every week, he challenged us to think about what motivated reformers to do what they did and, in many cases, make monumental sacrifices for others. I remember feeling frustrated when he would respond to my and others’ comments by retorting, “Okay, but why?” as he poured himself another cup of tea from his green, durable and weathered working-class Stanley thermos. Though he was not entirely dismissive, he never did seem totally satisfied with our often pretentious observations. Looking back, I appreciate what he was doing, as I find myself mimicking him in my graduate seminars. At the same time, he was patient with us. He listened attentively to our attempts to make sense of the past, routinely pushing us to make sense of the unknown. He seemed to enjoy witnessing our learning processes.

Dr. Bailey was a member of my MA and PhD guidance committees. He always encouraged me to—pardon the cliché—think “outside of the box.” My graduate work focused on African American reformers during the nadir and era of Jim Crow segregation. Whether I was unpacking the thought of Booker T. Washington or Carter G. Woodson, he consistently challenged me to probe deeply into what was going on in their minds based upon what they wrote, said, and did. This approach was reflected in one of the comprehensive examination questions that he posed to me. “Reform is in many ways the key to understanding democracy in America. Define reform . . . Consider some of the following issues: why did each reform movement develop; who were the reformers and what were their motivations; what limits and constraints were there on the reform impulse (race, gender, religion, region); why did the reform movements end?,” Bailey asked. He was a hardcore intellectual historian who never seemed satisfied with the rational or conventional analysis. He thought long and hard about people, events, and ideas and expected his students to do the same.  He also helped me with my writing mechanics. Bailey “officially” signed off on my dissertation as adviser because my adviser was out of town when I needed to submit the final copy to The Graduate School. In December 1999, he came over to my house for about three hours and with John Coltrane playing in the background he closely read my introduction and conclusion (line-by-line), marking it up, and making it sound much better. At different intervals in an attempt to decipher his assessment of my work, I peeked in at him as he read at my kitchen table. In particular, he challenged me to revise how I framed my study as a dual biography and to more deeply contemplate the genealogy of the black scholar-activist that I had construed.

I feel blessed to have had Dave as a colleague. In Morrill Hall, my first office, a cozy broom closet, was next to his. I always loved his office, especially the custom bookshelf that he built along the wall to the right as you entered his office, a space that was decorated with a maze of books that, as John Waller points out, were surprisingly organized into distinct categories. When I was told that tenure-stream faculty must have offices with windows (my office did not have a window in 2003), I told the then chair that I would wait until Dave moved out of his office and then move into 345 Morrill Hall. (Dave had told me that he planned to move to a smaller office in Morrill because he was going to get another one in the Honors College). I was excited to move into his office, hoping that the knowledge accumulated over the years was still in the air and would transfer to me. I also hoped that he would leave behind a few of his books, which he did. I vowed to fill the meticulously constructed shelves that Dave built. I will cherish and continue to reflect upon the countless conversations that we had over the years in his office, between faculty meetings, after DAC meetings, speaker series events, and job talks, in route to his class, and in the halls of, and outside of, Morrill Hall and Old Horticulture. He was a master storyteller, epitomized by his going to class without notes or prewritten, rehearsed lectures. He was a straight-shooter and iconoclast with a savvy sense of humor.

Dave was the ultimate citizen of the Department of History at Michigan State University. He attended nearly every event that the Department sponsored, even the pedagogy sessions for potential hires.   He is among the very few members of the Department who routinely taught on the dreaded Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule. His students appreciated him and his willingness—often through the medium of music—to connect with them.   He had an open-door policy that students and faculty alike took advantage of. Though I know that I interrupted him when he was engaged in deep thought at his desk in front of his computer on more than a few occasions, he always listened to me go off on rants, critique recent publications, and think out loud about historical concepts that I was working through. He was an advocate for junior faculty in the Department and took the lead on putting more than a few packages together for our recipients of The Teacher Scholar Award. He advised many graduate students and served on numerous guidance committees. He loved the Department and Michigan State University.